January 4, 2011

Closet Cleaning 101 (Part 2)

Now that you've taken those first major steps in cleaning your closet, take a step back and marvel at all the space you've made for new items (or maybe for a place to put those 5 pairs of shoes that have been living in the front hall because you couldn't fit them in with the rest)!

You've come a long way, Baby! But, there is still more to do. Add these tips to your process and you will find even more room still in that vortex that is your cluttered closet.

Tip 5: Alterations Pile
When sorting through your items, you may come across a few things that are almost perfect, but they just need a little alteration or two. Cleaning your closet is the perfect time to identify those items and haul them to the tailor all in one shot. Now those pants that were too long, and the jacket that needed new pockets are both as good as new and fit perfectly with your wardrobe!

Tip 6: From Do's To Shoes People!
As our fabulous name indicates, a wardrobe is a head to toe package. Getting rid of old jeans and tees is only half the battle. Sort through belts, shoes, purses (if your a woman, or a tres chic dude), scarves, hats & gloves too! Most of the time, these items are keepers because truthfully, a good belt can last longer than a few decades (just take a snoop in my Grandma's closet and you can see that)! But some times, those things need to go. That shoe that gives you blisters; that belt you bought on impulse that never gets worn; those gloves with a teeny hole that you constantly reject for a better pair - TOSS! Bonus: those gloves might help a homeless person or a kid who needs winter-wear.

Tip 7: Garbage or Give Away
It is really important that you make two separate piles when you are tossing things - garbage and give away. Things like underwear, gross socks, pit stained t-shirts and the like, are garbage. Despite that fact that you might think that someone might someday love the item as you once did, thats a false hope because no one wants stuff like that. Its a wonderful feeling to know that someone else is going to feel good because of you (trust us, we know!), but please don't just give them everything just so its out of your hands. After all, what kind of charity would that be?

Tip 8: Touch it Once
As our good friend Dee always says "touch it once". This is a good motto day to day to keep clutter from multiplying. But for closet cleaning, it might as well be rule numero uno. What does it mean? Well it means that once you bag an item to go to charity, you can't go back and retrieve it. Make calculated, yet firm decisions when sifting though each item, and then stick to them! Believe us when we tell you that when your closet is clean, the item that you might have retrieved will stick out like a sore thumb in an other wise perfect-for-your-life wardrobe.

With these 8 tips, you should now have a closet that glimmers with the hope of becoming perfect. You can now see your sweaters, your pants and your shoes and can select outfits ever day that you feel good in that fit in with who you are and the image you are trying to project. 

Always remember to dress for the job you want, not the job you've got!
Stay Chic,
From Do's To Shoes Styling

1 comment:

  1. All good suggestions. So often it's hard to say goodbye to clothing you like to look at, but not to wear any more.
