January 12, 2011

The Personal Shopping Experience

Lets be honest, living in the fast paced world today, there is very little time for anything. Your endless to do list grows and grows each time that only half your errands get completed. Dry cleaning is done in the moments on your lunch break that you have to spare. Your weekends are crammed with family, your social life and about ten billion things you've been meaning to get to. Its hard to find the time for yourself to go and spend a few hours weaving through storefronts to find the few articles of clothing that are missing from your hectic life.

Maybe you are waiting for a genie in a lamp to deliver your goods to you, but From Do's To Shoes Styling's email is all you will ever need! Avoid the stores and the sales people. Avoid the crowds and the waste of time going from store to store to store and turning up with nothing. Contact us, and like super heros we will be there.

During your busy week, while sitting at your desk, dreaming of the items you know you need but haven't got the time to find, email us! After a short in-person questionnaire, all we will ever need is your wish list.  The questionnaire is the only part of the process we insist upon, because it is our way of getting to know you. It is of the utmost importance that From Do's To Shoes Styling please each and every customer, each and every time we work with them. Therefore, knowing the things you love, hate and can't live without are imperative to each job.

Once we have the answers we need, we pick up the things you asked for, and then drop them off to you wherever is most convenient for you. Now you can finally try things on at the office or in the comfort of your own home! 

Now that you've sorted out the stuff you want to keep, we take the rest of the items back to the store for their full refund and your invoice arrives within 24 hours from us! There is no stress on your part. If you don't have luck with the items we bring you, we will go the second time FOR FREE in order to make sure you leave the From Do's To Shoes Styling personal shopping experience happy and well dressed!

We hope that this brief intro to the wonders of personal shopping with us has sparked your interest! Feel free to email us at fromdostoshoes@gmail.com any time to set up a meet and greet appointment with our star stylist Jana Stern. In the mean time...

Stay Chic,
From Do's To Shoes Styling

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