What We Do

Closet Cleaning:
We come into your home and help you sort through the stuff you need and the stuff you don't. This is the  perfect first step in developing a rapport with From Do's To Shoes Styling. Once we have sifted through your keeps and tosses, we will know where the holes in your wardrobe lay, and how we can fill them together in order to build you the perfect wardrobe for your life.

Closet Organization:
Not ready to get rid of that sweater you've loved since high school? Can't toss those favorite Nikes? We can still organize your closet so that your stuff is accessible to you. Another great way to start with From Do's To Shoes Styling!

Does your look need a facelift? Still trying to make jeans and tees work at the office? Stuck in a suit 24/7 because you don't know what looks good on a day off? Let us help you! We specialize in "how to dress for your body" and we can help you create your dream closet piece by piece or chunks at a time.We will make youtry but we won't make you buy. And the best part is, we don't work for any retailers, so you can shop any where you'd like - at any price!

Personal Shopping:
Can't stand malls and stores? No problem! We at From Do's To Shoes Styling are happy to do the shopping for you. Give us your wish list and let us be the ones to bring home the items. You try 'em at home, and we bring 'em back. And if you are the kind of person who never stops working, we can deliver to your office too!

Event Shopping:
Everyone knows you have to look your best at an event. From office parties to weddings and bar mitzvahs, we can help you find the perfect outfit for your event. (Due to the specific nature of this shop, we can not offer our "personal shopping" delivery)

Gift Buying:
From Do's To Shoes Styling can help you find the perfect gifts for your loved ones and friends when you don't have the time or energy to search. You name the price and genre and we will deliver straight to your recipient (with an email to you of photos and details of what you bought)!